Green Paisley

Thursday, September 29, 2011

In Case of Emergency

    I am preparing to go back to work next week. As tough as this is, I am ever so grateful that my sister-in-law will be coming to stay with Lucas through the end of the year. This will give him a few more months to grow before I have to place him in child care outside of the home (now THAT is going to be painful) I may have to bribe my SIL to continue to watch him. If only she didn't live an hour away, she would probably be happy to watch him full time. That's what I get for moving away from her.

   Anyway, I am putting together an Emergency Contact List and am perusing websites looking for ideas of what I should include. The below is an example. While a bit cluttered, it is what I will be basing mine on. I have a binder where she will be logging his eating and sleeping and in the sleeve on the back of the binder, I will include the Emergency Contact Info.

What kind of Emergency Contact List do you have? Where is it posted?

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1 comment:

  1. I'm commenting to see if I can now. I've not got anything of interest to add to the contact form thoughts. I wish you luck heading back to work. It's a hard decision to make either way and I know you'll make the most of the time you have with your baby.
