You are two months old today
Height - 22 inches (25th percentile)
Weight - 9 lbs 9.5 oz (10th percentile)
Head Circumference -14.5
Nursing exclusively. We have given you a bottle once or twice. As great as it would be for dad to share in the joy of feeding you, I am feeding you all the time and loving every minute of it. I am pumping daily b/c over the next few weeks, we will start to give you bottles every so often as I prepare to return to work. Based on the bottles Dad has given you thus far, it seems like you will have no problem. You are just a great eater.
It looks like you are starting to grow out of your newborn clothes. I'm sure it will be time to pack them up within the next week or so. You are growing up so quickly
You have been in size 0 newborn diapers, but it looks like it may be about time to move you up to size 1. Over the past week I have had to put you in size 1's at night because the newborn diapers just weren't enough as you started waking up soaking wet every morning. I can't believe you are getting so big so quickly, but it just means that you are a very healthy baby
You are smiling more frequently which always brightens my day. You are becoming a happier baby in the evening which means smiles for dad when he gets home which makes him melt. You are such a strong baby and since you sleep on your tummy you have started scooting quite a bit in the crib. I always find you on the opposite side of the crib/co-sleeper when you wake up in the morning or from a nap. In fact once I put you on your play mat and you were so upset that the added energy helped you to flip over to your back which surprised us both. You are still eating every 3 hrs. Instead of waking you up from your naps, I now let you sleep and simply feed you once you wake-up. This seems to have helped us with the evening as you are now allowing us to put you down earlier in the evenings (between 9-11). I'm guessing you were so tired that you couldn't sleepYou still love to be held. Once you hit 8 lbs, I was finally able to start using the Baby Bjorn. This is great for shopping trips as you still are not a fan of the car seat. I still love the K'Tan as it keeps you close and snuggled against me (I think you really like it too b/c it always relaxes you) but it doesn't truly allow me to be hands free as it does not provide the best head support. I do always hold you in the K'Tan at Mass b/c you are less likely to cry and more easily soothed which always warms my heart (although I know Gran would prefer to be holding you:)
You are ready for a nap 1 1/2 hrs after waking up from the previous nap. At that moment, you start to whimper and start to bury your head in my chest. All it takes is for me to cradle you and give you a paci and you are usually asleep within minutes. You typically take 2 1 hr naps (8:30,11:30) and a longer 2-3 hr nap later in the afternoon (3:30).
The past two months have flown by. Your dad and I have been so blessed to have you in our lives we just couldn't imagine it any other way. We can't wait to see what the future holds.
Mom and Dad
Pearson was in his newborn clothes and diapers until he was about 10 pounds. And you'll like the K'Tan better when he has good head control because then you don't really have to worry about head support. I've even started putting Pearson in it facing outward and he loves it!!